Diversity in Tech Ireland

Diversity Groups Around Ireland and Northern Ireland

This was initially created way back in 2017 by me (Vicky Twomey-Lee), first via Svtble, then through Medium and more recently I have it on EventGeek.ie as well. I've stopped updating Svtble but I still update both Medium and EventGeek.ie post. Double the effort, and I'm sure there's been typos made.

🀞 I hope that this time round I can get people to contribute via PRs on Github. Once this is live, I'll stop updating the Medium post (and prob EventGeekie's) with a note to refer to this site instead.

I'll keep the reason why I started this. So here we go!

The year 2017 has been interesting, at least three new Women in Tech groups that I know of popped up in Dublin. It’s amazing as back in 2008, I wished there was at least one group, and I thought my wishes were answered when Ireland Girl Geek Dinner started… but I wished there were more programming groups that have more people than just your atypical coder that attend techie events.
I co-founded Coding Grace (diversity-friendly coding workshops) which started in May 2013, and founded PyLadies Dublin (Python coding evenings) which had its first meetup in October 2013. It was certainly different to run and mentor workshops, and great to have technical events that’s not just about talks, and have some hands-on coding evenings or interactive workshops that are inclusive and friendly to everyone.
Another group that I want to mention is WITS (Women in Technology and Science) Ireland, who have been around since 1990, with amazing patrons like our first female Irish president, Mary Robinson, Mary McAleese and the current president, Michael D. Higgins. What makes this group different is that WITS Ireland is involved with gender equality policies on the government level in the areas of STEM and have members in public and private sectors.
It’s amazing that we have so many diversity groups, but I am not the only to think that we should be careful that we don’t fragment the community. The tech community (especially in Dublin) is small, the diversity community is even smaller.
I hope that all organisers will collectively be in touch with one another and co-ordinate (if possible), or even just let folks know in advance when their event(s) are on. Plus it’s a great way to give heads up and we can shout out about each other’s events. Maybe some folks don’t want to, that’s ok, I just want to be friends with everyone! 😊

🌈 You can contribute by PR to event lists, I've a CONTRIBUTING doc on github that you can have a read through on how you can share info about events, conferences and even opportunities.

πŸ’β€β™€οΈ Community Groups

πŸŽ“ Student Groups, Clubs & Socs

😎 Diversity in tech groups for <18 years old

πŸ€— Opportunities

The following is not a group, but initiatives of interest for women in tech:

πŸ—„ Archived

Organisations not active in Ireland, or around anymore

Some of the following groups are not active anymore, or the group might be a global group and don't have an Irish chapter anymore. If you want to revive them or if you have, let me know and we can update the list.

🌈 Contributors

Thanks to the following for their help contributing to the list. If your name is not here, and you did ping me about adding your/a group to the list, let me know.

ℹ️ If you want to submit PR to add your name, modify "contributorsList.yaml"

πŸ™ Locations

This section groups the various user groups in the area they are based in as well as where they would host events (when in-person starts up again).
ℹ️ Number of active and new groups in Ireland and Northern Ireland: 69
Belfast, Northern Ireland (x6)
Code Co-op NI β€” diversity-friendly ❖ Django Girls Belfast ❖ Ladies that UX Belfast ❖ Women in Tech Belfast ❖ Women Tech Space ❖ Women Techmakers Belfast
Carlow (x1)
Institute of Technology Carlow / Women in Technology
Cork (x4)
CIT / WiSTEM ❖ Cork Female Coders./ ❖ Girl Develop It ❖ UCC / WiSTEM
Drogheda (x1)
BAME Tech (Drogheda)
Dublin (x30)
AnitaB.org Dublin ❖ Black Girls in Tech Ireland ❖ Black Women in Tech Ireland ❖ Coding Girls Dublin ❖ DCU / GalSTEM ❖ Django Girls Dublin ❖ Dublin Women in Machine Learning and Data Science ❖ Engineers Ireland: Inclusion and Diversity ❖ GirlScript Ireland ❖ GTA Black Wowen In Tech - Ireland ❖ HackHers Dublin ❖ Her+Data ❖ Ireland Girl Geek Dinners ❖ Lady Nerds of Dublin ❖ Latinas in Tech - Dublin ❖ PhaseInnovate (BameTech/GalTech/SocialTech) ❖ PyLadies Dublin ❖ R-Ladies Dublin ❖ Rails Girls Dublin ❖ SheStrategizes: Women in Marketing Meetup (Dublin Chapter) ❖ TU Dublin (Tallaght) / WiSTEM Society ❖ TU Dublin / ESTeEM ❖ TU Dublin / FemSTEM ❖ UCD / Women+ in STEM ❖ Women in Animation Ireland ❖ Women in eDiscovery Dublin ❖ Women in Games Dublin ❖ Women in Product - Dublin ❖ Women Techmakers Dublin ❖ Women Who Co-Work Dublin
Dublin/Belfast, Northern Ireland (x1)
Dublin/Global (x1)
Women in DevOps (Note - Back again in 2024)
Galway (x2)
itag Digital Women’s Forum ❖ NUIG / WiSTEM
Ireland (x21)
Ada Lovelace Initiative ❖ BlockW Ireland ❖ Coding Black Females ❖ Coding Grace ❖ CWIT β€” Connecting Women in Technology (Corporate group) ❖ Cyber Women Ireland ❖ DATA + WOMEN IRELAND ❖ Diversein.com ❖ Global GCS Connect - Diversity in Tech ❖ Global online community for D&I champions ❖ GoingFarIE ❖ iWish ❖ SheUps ❖ Tech and Inclusion Advocates Ireland ❖ TechFoundHer ❖ teenturn ❖ WhyDesign ❖ WITS Ireland ❖ Women Coders Community Ireland ❖ Women in AI Ireland ❖ Women ReBOOT
Limerick (x1)
Maynooth (x1)
Maynooth University / Women in STEM society

πŸ†™ When groups are added

Tue Jun 18 2024Cork Female Coders./
Thu Jun 06 2024Coding Black Females
Wed May 01 2024Women Coders Community Ireland
Thu Nov 16 2023Engineers Ireland: Inclusion and Diversity
Tue Oct 24 2023SheStrategizes: Women in Marketing Meetup (Dublin Chapter)
Sat Jun 10 2023Tech and Inclusion Advocates Ireland
Mon May 22 2023Women in Tech Academy
Fri Apr 28 2023Black Girls in Tech Ireland, Black Women in Tech Ireland
Thu Jan 26 2023HackHers Dublin, Latinas in Tech - Dublin
Thu Dec 08 2022TU Dublin (Tallaght) / WiSTEM Society
Wed Aug 17 2022GTA Black Wowen In Tech - Ireland
Wed Aug 03 2022Women in Animation Ireland
Tue Aug 02 2022Women in Product - Dublin
Wed May 18 2022Women in eDiscovery Dublin
Fri Aug 27 2021Lady Nerds of Dublin
Thu Apr 15 2021Ada Lovelace Initiative
Tue Mar 23 2021Dublin Women in Machine Learning and Data Science, PhaseInnovate (BameTech/GalTech/SocialTech), Women in Tech Entrepreneurs & aspiring
Fri Feb 19 2021Women in Privacy
Thu Jan 21 2021TU Dublin / ESTeEM
Wed Nov 25 2020itag Digital Women’s Forum
Thu Nov 19 2020CIT / WiSTEM, DCU / GalSTEM, Institute of Technology Carlow / Women in Technology, Maynooth University / Women in STEM society, NUIG / WiSTEM, TU Dublin / FemSTEM, UCC / WiSTEM, UCD / Women+ in STEM, UL / WiSTEM2D
Thu Sep 24 2020Global GCS Connect - Diversity in Tech
Fri Sep 11 2020AnitaB.org Dublin, GoingFarIE, WhyDesign
Thu Sep 10 2020SheUps
Tue Sep 08 2020Cyber Women Ireland
Tue Jun 30 2020Tech Women Dublin
Wed Jun 10 2020Mentor HER
Thu Jun 04 2020GirlScript Ireland
Wed Feb 05 2020Coding Girls Dublin, Ladies Tech Meetup, Women in AI Ireland
Thu Jan 16 2020Tech LΓ©i, TechFoundHer
Wed Nov 06 2019Women in DevOps (Note - Back again in 2024)
Wed Oct 23 2019TechFugees Ireland
Tue Sep 03 2019ngGirls Dublin
Thu Aug 15 2019Women in Technology Galway
Sat Aug 10 2019Geek Girl Dublin, Global online community for D&I champions, Women in 3D Printing Dublin
Wed Aug 07 2019Ladies that UX Belfast
Fri Mar 29 2019Women CyberSecurity Society
Thu Mar 28 2019Women in Games Dublin
Fri Oct 05 2018BlockW Ireland
Mon Aug 13 2018BAME Tech (Drogheda), CoderDojoGirls @ DCU, Girls Hack Ireland, iWish, teenturn, Women ReBOOT
Tue Aug 07 2018Diversein.com, Girl Develop It, Women Who Co-Work Dublin
Tue May 15 2018Lesbians Who Tech Dublin, Women in Tech Belfast
Wed Apr 11 2018Hello Sprinters Dublin
Fri Apr 06 2018Women of Wearables Dublin
Mon Mar 19 2018Women in Blockchain Dublin
Mon Nov 27 2017Her+Data
Thu Nov 23 2017Code Co-op NI β€” diversity-friendly, CWIT β€” Connecting Women in Technology (Corporate group), Women Tech Space
Wed Nov 01 2017Belfast IT Girls
Mon Apr 24 2017LoveLace Space
Sun Feb 26 2017#weAREhere, Askaton, codebarBelfast, CodeFirstGirls, Codess Dublin (Microsoft’s women in tech meetup group), Coding Grace, DigiWomen, Django Girls Belfast, Django Girls Dublin, GirlCrew, Girls in Tech Dublin, Intertech Ireland, Ireland Girl Geek Dinners, Ladies that UX Dublin, PyLadies Dublin, R-Ladies Dublin, Rails Girls Dublin, Rails Girls Galway, Tech Women for Africa, WITS Ireland, Women Techmakers Belfast, Women Techmakers Dublin, Women Techmakers Galway, Women Who Code Belfast, Women Who Code Dublin